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A young emperor penguin found washed up on a New Zealand beach gets a health clearance after tests and enjoys a first swim.
An emperor penguin has taken a wrong turn from the Antarctic and ended up on a beach in New Zealand.
A young emperor penguin takes a wrong turn from the Antarctic and arrives on a New Zealand beach, said to be the first such visit since 1967.
A young Antarctic Emperor penguin has taken a rare wrong turn and ended up stranded on a New Zealand beach.
New Zealand's newest holidaying penguin will eventually have to return South to survive but for now the Antarctic native is likely enjoying...
The last recorded sighting of an emperor penguin in New Zealand was at Oreti Beach in Southland in 1967.
Keep track of unusual animal events. New Zealand's department of conservation released images of the penguin.
This is clearly a reconnaissance unit. I mean, it's right in the name - Emperor penguin. They're clearly planning to expand, and we're first in line.
Sunday, 4 September 2011